bila besar nanti nak jadi...?

bila besar nnti nok jd gapo?? soalan nih familiar masa zaman kanak2 lh..nih dh besar tak boleh dah nak  tanya macam tuh. kena tanya, nak amek course gpo phnih? kalu result comey nok amek gpo? nk kijo gpo kalu result ginih2? haha..masa kecik gak,nk jadi gotuh lah,gonih cita2 lah yang memberi semangat untuk belajar rajin2 kei?

Darjah 1

 cikgu: Ok,Asma..cita-cita awak ape dye?
asma: cikgu
cikgu: bagus..awak hanifah?
aku  : err..ustazah!
  (sebelum cikgu tanya asma,aku dah awal2 tanya dia..sebab aku xtau nak jadi gapo!)

Darjah 2

 ustazah qiraati: Hanifah,nanti besar nok jadi gapo?
 aku                : polis
 ustazah qiraati: bakpo nok jadi polis?
 aku                : sebab nak pegang pistol
(masa nih drama Gerak Khas begitu hebat dan mantop ditayangkan kt tv)

A few month ago..

 Jam menunjukkan pukul 6 petang. Kelihatan seorang budak perempuan menarik beg tayar Power Rangersnya berwarna biru dengan laju balik dari sekolah.
mak cik noname: bkpo ya gaduh sangat tuh?
 aku                  : the actor woman maen doh mok cik! keno balik cepat! kei
                          terlepas episod..bkpo mok cik  tegor sayo? aihh..sayo lorat
mak cik noname: *&##@!
 Pembaca berita. Drama Jepun mula masuk ke Malaysia!

The Actor Woman habis dah. Drama baru masok.
 Doktor muda itu melangkah masuk ke dalam teksi. Kekasihnya menunggu di lapangan terbang untuk ke Paris. Dia akan dapat bersama-sama kekasihnya jika pergi mengikuti lelaki tersebut. Tiba-tiba dia mendapat panggilan dari hospital.

  Pekerja spital : Dr. Izuka, Kanja wa kare ga shinikakete iru, anata o hitsuyō to
                       (doktor, pesakit memerlukan doktor,dia dalam tenat!
   Dr. Izuka   : hah?(sambil memandang ke signboard airport,lg 3km..sambil 
                       berkata dalam hati,  
                      sori, watashi wa anata ni shitagau koto ga dekinai. Sayōnara.)
                     (saya tak boleh ikot awok,hye2 bye2.)
                     Sensei, byōin ni modotte kudasai! (pokcik,kona mula ko spital!)

I want to be a doctor. Sampai lonih duk cari cerita Love Investigation xjupo2. homlah, 11 tahun dah berlalu!

Darjah 4

Sambil membelek2 buku biodata kakakku,hmm...astronomi..abe? saintis..yon? pemain bola sepak..

nama xegt: hanifah,tulih biodata deh.
aku           : ho..nama....alamat....hobi....cita-cita,ahli astronomi @ saintis

Darjah 6 

Pakai spek lonih. bru pakai.hehe..cito2 kawe? doktor pakar mato..;) 

Prof. Dr. Muhaya...;)
sumber: blog dr muhaya
              Aku: Tie,Nifah nok jadi lecturer lah..haha..lecturer bio,hari2
                      cerita ko student,xse ngajar pun..nok ceritor jh..supo nge puan 
              Zatie: haha..molep doh,ajok askar2 kito sekali!

aku: xtaulah puan,sy nok jadi doktor bnr,tp xyakinlah..bljar xdoplah reti 
        sangat..gituh2 jh..
kaunselor: sy tau dh awak nih,nmpak dh nk jadi doktor,tunggu awak oyp 
                  jh..xpo,bila awak dh  determine bnda tuh,usaha seolah2 memang
                 awok akan jadi doktor,cita2 lah yg akan merangsang usaha 
                awak,matlamat biar tinggi!

Dan kerjaya sebagai doktor terus menjadi impian, even aku tahu yg kalau ikot pencapaian akademik, aku xlah bleh nok amek bidang nih, semangat tuh ado,Insya Allah kalau ada rezeki dan memang sudah menjadi ketentuanNya,jadilah jugok doktor tuh..xjadi doktor,jd bini doktor pun xpo doh..ngee...

once u want something ALLAH will help us..there is something for us in the future that HE already created..;)

Please teacher may i go out..^^

assalamualaikum w.b.t..;) long i does not write in this blog..actually have a lot of idea but feel lazy to write down..hihi..ok,in this post i prefer to write in english version..haha..why? lecturer in BEL course said to me( Profesor Dr. Maksom Sarakan) last day in library that i need to improve my English language..huhu..yeh, i'm totally broken in my UPSR, i just got B but Alhamdulillah..;)

When i was form 3,in PMR exam i got A for English..hihi..maybe for others student that clever than me it was not impossible to get A in PMR, but for me, i need more sweat and blood to get A! fuhh..i still remember when i was in primary school, i just 7 years old at that time. I have a cute and charming teacher, my classmate and i called her Teacher Ko. Her fullname is Miss Ko Bi Hun. She is very friendly and always smile to pupils. I still rememner when she teached us, she always use card that have image and words. That was so interesting. The lesson that i always remember till now is about occupation. interesting lah..the most occupations i remember are rubbertapper,fisherman,policeman,clerk,and fireman..;p

When i studied in MRSM, i got a nice teacher too. I called her Teacher Syarifah,she is my Chemist teacher's wife. I had easy to get A in English with her even i always sleep in her class. I still remember when my classmates and i slept, she never mind but a few later she will said,''wake up,wake up''..wah,totally missed her!

Teacher Siti is also nice. She is a understanding teacher. I still remember i cried in front of her when i got crisis in school. Crisis? haha..small problem actually but make me felt down..;( totally loves her!

And in Uitm, i got a really funny and naughty lecturer..haha..Miss Hazma Shazaziana. Ops, actually she had  married and have a cute baby, Zara. Not suitable lah call Madam,hihi..because she looks young and childish. ( do not be angry miss!) The first time she teaches us, i felt scary with her because she looks firm.hoho..but now,not scary anymore! her class feel with enjoyable and laugh.  I wish she will teach me on the next sem. Insya Allah..^^

On semester 2, I have an educated lecturer. He is Prof. Maksom Sarakan. He is a caring lecturer lah i think because he is like my grandfather to us. He teaches us a lot about world and always share his experience with us. So interested! the most activitiy i love in his class is watching movie..hihi..but i lost a few movie because i had absent in his class..huhu..and the gave us a few newspaper to us to study vocab,wah...! but somestimes i used newspaper to pedestal my meal..huhu

Aha! Because of him lah i think that i need to learn more and more in English and try to speak well. Very proud of him cause even on his age,60 years old if i not mistake,he still studies and work as lecturer! I think most of our Malay people on this age love to stays at home and plays with grandchild and spend a lot of time with family. Just stay at home, reads newspaper and watching tv...;) No wonder he got Phd! 

So, i wish to be like him. Learn and teach as long as we can..^^ 

” اُطْلُبِ الْعِلْمَ مِنَ الْمَهْدِ إِلَى اللَّحْدِ”
Seek knowledge from since the cradle to the lahd. 

Wanna be a native speaker one day. Insya Allah..



rain come..rain go..
Sayu terpisah
hikayat indah kini hanya tinggal sejarah
berhembus angin rindu
begitu nyamannya terhidu wangian kasihmu

hujan lebat mencurah kini
bagaikan tiada henti
kaulah laguku kau irama terindah
tak lagi kudengari

kau pergi.. pergi..
sepi tanpa kata
terdiam dan kaku tak daya kau kulupa
apa pun kata mereka
biarkan kenangan berbunga di ranting usia

hujan lebat mencurah kini
bagaikan tiada henti
kaulah laguku kau irama terindah
tak lagi kudengari

kau pergi.. pergi..